Thursday, September 15, 2005

Every Falling Leaf

Today is bare-aba's saal (his death anniversary). hate using the term death anniversary, but it is his death anniversary. It has now been about about 9 years since Bareaba left us.

I grew up looking up to a man who believed in beliefs and respected honesty more than anything else in the world. I grew up almost worshipping the kind of love he had for his wife who died at age 33, leaving him to bring up 5 children (which he did...on his own...with help from his sister).

Where are these people now? The kind who think that even giving two pence to someone as a recompense for work done AS PART OF PUBLIC DUTY OR CONTRACTUAL SERVICE, is rishwat (bribery).

I think I was lost for 5 years after he went away. I have only now managed to understand the good that he was, and the purity of thought he tried to teach

To Bare-aba...who taught me to read poetry when I was three. ..who taught me to think for myself, but with humility... who could see the trouble that was to come in my life... and who tried to prepare me for an uncertain future.

A poem he gave me once:

Baree naik bachee hai Zebunnisa
Kaha apne maan baap ka maantee hai
Nahin kartee beja kisee baat par zidd
Mahal aur maukeh ko pehchaantee hai

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